Hi, I'm Elisa Booker.
I’m above average loud, my voice carries and I am done apologizing for it.
I’m silly and smart. I’m all over the place and very organized. My brain moves faster than I’d like but I am learning to harness my ADHD super strength.
I love to dance to pop music and sing to show tunes. I became a mother 10 years ago. It became the catalyst for my healing and renewed understanding of God’s story and how the world works. My family is the bees knees.
I never thought my theatre degree would be put to good use in a global pandemic but it sure did! Armistead (husband) and I created 150 episodes of kids programing filled with fun and imagination.
I have worked as a leader, educator, pastor, nanny, and barista. I have worked in corporate, start-up, non-profit and ministry ecosystems. Over the past two decades, I have crystalized the importance of creating safe spaces for people to play, learn, work, and grow. I believe safe spaces are imperative to individual and collective human thriving.
I’ve rewired my understanding of life thanks to the stories of so many people around me. I advocate that the greatest tools we have for this work are curiosity, imagination, stories and mindfulness. I am deeply convicted of each person's worth and beauty. It is my honor to look for the good and celebrate the differences that make this world beautiful.
Oh, and I can cook too!!
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